Greetings online journal and those watching.
I have not been posting of my mediocre midwest adventures as of late because I have been feeling less chatty. Even my sketchbook wasn't receiving my daily doses of brain-word-splatter as I sometimes go through periods of non-journaling. I find it pointless at times to rattle off personal chatterings to myself or ohers. But perhaps it is time for a small update with a recap of me lately.
First of all, lets start with the small stuff and the now stuff.
I am just getting over a nasty dual layer skin peeling reptilian-looking sunburn on my shoulders. Its fascinating. Now that the pain is gone. ¬¬
Thats what I get for signing up for a small outdoor artfair and not bringing a canopy. And even though I didn't make my $ back, I got to bond with other awesome artists and listen to some cool music.
Speaking of art events, this summer is shaping up to be crazy busy. I will be attending several events and conventions. Just as I begin to wonder if I signed up for too much, I remember that I'm trying to make a career out of this art thing, and that this is probably what I'm supposed to be doing - and I still work less than regular jobbed people.
June 12th - I did have my art at LCi art fair. (where I got the sunburn)
I will have my art at:
June 25-27th --- ORIGINS fantasy and Gaming convention, OH.
July 2-4th --- INCONJUNCTION - Indianapolis - sci-fi, fantasy, gaming convention.
July 9-11th --- Famous Monsters Convention, Indianapolis
August 5-8th --- GenCon gaming and fantasy convention, Indianapolis
August 27, 28th ---- (possible) Paranormal Scare Fest - Tennessee
August ? - possible art show for something yet to be announced
September 3rd --- Stutz Residency Show, Indianapolis (runs until the 23rd)
September 18th --- ORANJE INDY - art festival, Indianapolis
September 18th --- possible participation in MASTERPIECE in a DAY even, Indianapolis
September 11th, 24th - possible participation in the ART vs ART event, Indianapolis
Other than that, modeling and teaching have kept me afloat.
What else?
I'm working on a comic, a stop motion animation, a little booklet of sketches to print and sell at conventions, Various experiments in the studio involving abstraction, plaster, pour on polymer stuff, acrylic medium, tissue paper, drawing, snake skin, etc.
- A few days ago, I took a long walk to draw things and people by the canal and on a whim, I went to see where a friend works - he graciously showed me a Scanning Electron Microscope, and other things in his science tech world. (Thanks Cliff!!)
- Yesterday I sat in a coffee shop and drew the building next to it so I can get in some architecture practice.
And I still call myself LAZY? yeah.
Also, I am now proud to say that I am an official business. Lydia Burris LLC.
I think thats about all.
Here are some visuals from my recent sketches out in the open world.
A building (blue line pencil, NO rulers)

A little bubbly fountain thing

some people by the canal

I'm sure there is more that I'm missing but I'm done writing. :)