Lydia's 2009 RECAP!! (copied at my lj as well)
The good and the bad.
First of all, I have to tip my hat to a most wonderful man in my family who passed this year. Papaw Hartman. He will be sorely missed - but despite the sadness of his passing, this man lived a full and wonderful LONG life. He was a true gentleman with good taste and a soft spot for spumante ice cream.
The rest of the year: the one thing that bogged me down was $. I am not alone in this and it wasn't really as bad as it could've been. My head was above water and I had safety nets. It was also my decision to be on the edge of my funds, so I can't complain too much. I wanted to reserve time for my art and creative advancement - and I thank the heavens that my lovely boyfriend understands and supports my efforts.
Perhaps the best month of the year was August. I was awoken from my lazy mental slumber with a shiny colorful SLAP in brain! I got 2 university teaching jobs (just one class each) so I was able to stop being a WAITRESS. (this is perhaps one of the BRIGHTEST points of the year). Finally I could use the MASTERS of FINE ART that I got in England, 2005!
What else in August? GENCON. Mother and I shared a booth, D performed magic, we were sleep deprived by attending too many events, and we had an excellent time with really good friends!
Another bright moment was finding out that I was accepted into the STUTZ residency!
Throughout the whole year, I showed in a plethora of art shows and got my name out there. D also advanced greatly in magic - The local magic community is extremely friendly and helpful!! He performed with Taylor Martin at the Fringe festival, and had an act at one of the IMM shows!
There were a lot of other great things in 2009 - ORIGINS fantasy and gaming con - another art table and excellent company! There were lots of weddings - friends and family.
ALSO - D and I took a trip North East to see his family in Connecticut - a long overdue trip for him! I got to meet his family and some of his long time long lost buddies, which was awesome. While we were up that way, we visited Vermont where some of my family lives. We had such a blast!
IM sure I missed some other awesome things!
WHATS in for 2010?
I want adventure. I want to branch out fearlessly in all aspects of my life.
I hope to put less pressure on myself to make perfect decisions, and just enjoy where I am and what I'm doing.
Here is the first image of 2010!

"The Dreamer"
5" x 7" watercolor and ink on bristol
original available for $30 (includes shipping)