I had an art table at GenCon, and it was the best yet in presentation and in sales.
Photos can be found on my Facebook page.
Our 'weekend' Started on Wednesday - we set up in the afternoon, I went to work for a few hours, and then we went to the first night of the Dark Mardi Gras gencon club night, run by friend Rony. (I also did the flyers) Xiting the Systm played - their music was great, and they had an awesome lightshow. I bought a CD.
Thursday was the start of the show. D was my helper, and our table neighbor was David Wong, friend and unofficial business adviser. (lol) One of my heads "Rotted Screaming Bad" sold, and that made my day!
That night we went home briefly and back downtown for another Dark Mardi Gras after party. Bottoms Up Burlesque showed, along with Fire Dancer Neris and Molly WyldFyre.
Friday was a big day - The show went pretty well - We had a LOT more prints this time. Especially more choices for 11" x 17" prints. (Available prints can also be seen on my facebook page HERE - Although I do plan on making a page for them on my website that will make them easier to pay automatically, with paypal buttons and everything. Maybe in a week or 2.
FRIDAY EVENING - Over to the historic Firestation - on the side of which is a 29 ft across lightbox - This year, it features my artwork done for and inspired by the IndyFringe Festival!
Friday night was the unveiling of the new art!
A Small article on the Nuvo Site explains it briefly: HERE.

We pulled some people from GenCon, dad showed up and several others. To celebrate the new art, Fringe organized snacks and a firedancer troup! It was awesome.
Thank you to everyone that came out and to all the supporters out there!
Now, onto Saturday, and the rest of this post will be quick and brief - as I had this drafted for about a week and I want to get it posted. (I'm behind on social networking, lol)
- Pretty good day at the con.
- Get to have sushi in the evening with some very good buddies - good food and good stories and good business advice!
- After food, got over to the Hyatt to hang out with more art and convention buddies.
- drove home late, passed out.
- another great day at the con, sad to see it end, but ready for it to be over. It was very busy and the most successful con yet!
- After packing up, we head over to a huge art party at the Spaghetti factory - the traditional gencon ending, complete with food play and food sculpture.
I'm sure there is more, but that is all for now.
The latest news was that D took me on a Gondola ride for my 30th birthday. Hurrah! What fun!
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