SEPTEMBER 3rd - First Friday - 5-9 pm
See the Stutz Press Release for a great description of my and Patrick's work.
_____The Stutz Residency_______
In August 2009, so many of my career seeds sprouted at once, kickstarting this year into one of the best yet. I was offered 2 part time art appreciation Teaching jobs and I was one of the 2 recipients of the Stutz Residency Award - This allowed me to have a free studio for almost a year at the Stutz Building in Indianapolis.
My self drive went up, my professionalism spiked, and I met some pretty cool people while at the Stutz.
Now it is ending - I'm in the process of packing up the studio and bringing things home. (where am I going to put all this STUFF?! I have a big basement... but that means I have to organize, clean it again and possibly get a dehumidifier)
I'm in the process of talking with some buddies about possibly sharing a space, but the expense would be something to consider NOT lightly... I'm at a point where my art is just starting to take off. If this trend continues, and I do well at the next events I've signed up for - I shouldn't have a problem, but I don't want to make any deals I can't deliver yet.
I'm actually looking forward to working at home for a while, and have all of my supplies in one place. My biggest concern is keeping a downtown presence. Having a professional space to show people my work is a huge advantage. In the meantime, I will start looking for businesses in which to hang my work (cafes, shops, etc)
____CONVENTIONS, Especially horror ones_________
My biggest focus right now is finding events to vend at. Specifically Horror cons. Financially, I tend to do best at these events so far, and I really love the people at atmosphere. I have truly found a big branch of my family in the horror entertainment industry! I am not surprised by this, as I have been mad about dark and scary things since I was a little child. YES, its true darnit. I remember drawing monsters in kindergarten. Sure, they look like squiggly lines if you can find those old drawings, but I remember they were monsters.
This last weened I was at Paranormal Scare Fest (in TN) - while it was small and poorly attended, I'm not complaining. I'm not sure if it was fluke, mistake, luck, or talent, but I managed to do quite well at the event while around me I heard many grumblings and vendors were leaving early. I ended up spreading my prints out on the empty table next to me and stayed there till I was the last one.
_______Non-Money Talk________
I find myself talking lot about vending and events and advertising and building funds, etc. Sometimes I feel I've lost touch with expressing experiences and emotions. Perhaps my dilemma is the fact that I don't like to talk about specific people online without their permission. I don't speak other peoples business. And I havn't been in the mood to express my own emotions and/or personal stories online. I almost feel that it is a 'chore' to relay these experiences, so I stick to the basics of what, where, and when. Then, when I AM in the mood to ' blog' or whatever, I'm way behind on my stories, and there is too much to tell in one post, so I simplify it too much.
thats about it.
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