I'm inspired by cluttered madness. The crazier works of Gustave Moreau, Nick Bantock, Bill Seinkiewicz, Dave McKean and many many more.
I don't care if I have an audience, I find it nearly impossible to follow any convention (believe me I have tried!) So I am just having fun here.
First of all, let me show you an old digital layering piece I did.

I mixed about 3 paintings here and applied various layering techniques. I did this in 2009. I love the effect so much, I decided that I should not only do more digital remixes of my work, I should also try to emulate the effect in a physical work of art with paint and collage.
Here is a very recent digital layering.

(Text: "Stage III The inhibition experiment.
With great visual disturbance and complex asymmetrical dreams.")
And here is a work in progress of an actual painted work on canvas.
Its getting pretty manic - some colors possibly need to be darker/more muddy.

32" wide. Work in progress.
I'm not sure what I think of it so far, and this recent COLORFUL twist to my works, but I'm going to do some shows with them. We shall see!
In other news, its very hot today, and I just might pass out in front of a fan. Time to put the AC in the window finally!