My work has been selected to grace the pages of the 40,000 Indianapolis Fringe Festival programs, buttons, advertisements and more - PLUS, the work will be featured on the GIGANTIC LIGHTBOX on the corner of Mass. Ave and St. Clair st.... The image here is just a teaser, the full image will be unveiled the Evening of Friday August 6th. This falls on a GenCon night - if you happen to be at GenCon - you'll have to swing by and check it out either at the unveiling or after! The image will be up for ONE YEAR. Huzzah!

In other news, I am exhausted today!
Thursday night, Dave and I finally got out of the house and went to Tru (club in broadripple) - we danced and I sold some brain candy booklets, all was good.
Friday (yesterday) I set up some art at Inconjunction in the morning/afternnoon, went to the studio to work on a cd cover, then we went out AGAIN (2 nights in a row!) to see Slick Idiot with Mona Mur. Excellent live music, I havn't danced that hard in a long time.
Today, we were going to go to Incon, but its too pricy for our interests (we just wanted to walk around and talk to people) and I am utterly pooped out. I'm trying to get some stuff done tho.
By the way, did I blog about my new hermit crabs yet?
My niece had one, and didn't want it anymore - I thought the hermit crab was awesome, so I took him. I renamed him Ronymus (his prev. name was Pizza) - and after about a week and 1/2, I bought him a 10 gal tank (recommended by the pet store), 2 friends, and other things needed. I had fun filling the tank with things to use/play with. His 2 friends are smaller, one in a red shell named Blake, and one in a green shell named "Grünewald". I am sticking to a theme here.

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