The sun spoke to me! The cold is going away. I've twice gone outside to draw!
One day I finally (FINALLY) stopped along fall creek road. I grabbed initiative by the horns and actually did what I've been wanting to do rather than just drive to my destination.
I parked at the fairgrounds and walked across the street to the river, and a bridge crossing it. I took nothing but my sketchbook and some drawing untencils. (and ID of course, so they can identify my body when I find toxic waste and turn into a slobbering creature) - I doodled some trees, and then I found the glory of glories! A PILE OF JUNK by an abandoned building of sorts! *SQUEE!* I sat down on the dirty concrete surrounding and proceeded to draw this pile 'o junk in a traditional maner. This lasted about 20 minutes, as I had no chair and my knees were threatening me with persnickityness. But, satisfied with my exploration for the day, I continued onward to the studio at the Stutz. I believe this was Monday.
WEDNESDAY I was up early, and rather than say on the internet until I had to work at 1:00, I said "SCREW YOU INTERNET!" and took off to enjoy the day again! This time I went to Biglots first and bought a cloth fold-out chair that comes in a bag. ARMED with a handy dandy fold-out chair and Watercolors, I went to broadripple park, recycled a bag of cans, and then saundered off to find a neat tree. I didn't have to travel far. I set up my chair, arranged my paper water and colors just so, and DREW the tree. I named the tree Norman. I now have an intimate understanding of Norman's branches and knotholes.

This was about an hour. I still had time for lunch - so I left for work early - got eggrolls across the street, and then used my new CHAIR again - there is a pond next to my work, so I took my eggrolls and my chair and sat by the pond. It was overcast and chilly, but it wasn't cold and I wanted to enjoy the weather as much as possible despite the wind trying to steal my hot and sour sauce.
Today? Catching up on grading homework for one of the 2 art appreciation classes.
Now back to my overly ambitious art plans. I started working on a publication idea involving dark, dreamy, bizarre things. I need to get other people involved.
Inspirations as of late: Baroque cathedrals, "Something Wicked this way comes" movie (which I have never seen before), "The 7 faces of Dr. Lao" movie (Which I have seen before but was spreading the joy), cheetos, minesweeper, shanghai and a weird mindjolt game called "Glow Cut".
Just for fun, here is a sketchbook page.

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