In a sketchbook too large to travel around with, but handy for studies.
Pose found while browsing deviantArt stock - I added the tentacles.
Saturday was spent at the Winter Magic Festival, where I enjoyed a great production involving 6 shows and about 12 magicians, 2 assistants, and lots of fun. Produced by Taylor Martin with the help of Indy Fringe. My guy helped out and I did the logo so we got to see everything!! I didn't do much art, but I did do a quick sketch of Taylor Martin doing a rope trick dressed as his colonial character (first page). Also other random sketchy stuff.

Sunday was spent at home, trying to stay awake and failing ... but at least I got study in (the tentacle character at the top.)
I also sent a query to 'Seawhite of Brighton' brand sketchbooks (jumbo square black cloth binding),asking how many they could send me for under $150. The only sketchbooks I love and they have to be from England. to send one book, the shipping + 17% international tax would be about 4 or 5 times the cost of the book and put me back about $40. Adding more books tends to cheapen the shipping. I can't afford it right now, but I am going through withdraw and I have a few people interested in pitching in. I suppose its cheaper than a plane ticket. >.<
here, have a hand.

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